Your neck supports the weight and movement of your head-quite a job, since an adult’s head can weight between ten and fourteen pounds! Good alignment of your head relative to your neck enables the mechanics of the neck to work more efficiently thus helping reduce potential strain.

The further that you hold something away from the body the heavier it feels. Similarly, prolonged postural strain caused by carrying the weight of your head too far forward, such as when you sit slumped over a desk, exerts strain to the muscles, discs, ligaments and joints in the neck. There may also be associated loss of motion in the joints in the neck and mid back leading to joint stiffness and reduced overall motion of the neck.

At our chiropractic clinic which is located near St Pauls, we try and educate patients about the importance of maintaining a good posture, advise on patient specific ergonomic setups and also prescribe individual mobility, stretching and strengthening exercises which focus on reducing the strain of sitting at a desk for prolonged periods.

if you have any questions regarding your posture, work station setup or current neck, mid back pain or headaches that you are currently suffering with, please do not hesitate to contact one of our chiropractors at this city based clinic.

Sitting Posture

Sitting Posture: Often patients ask, “What is the ideal sitting posture?” – Callaghan and McGill (2001) suggest that no single, ideal sitting posture exists, rather they recommend a variable posture to minimise the risk of tissue overload. The ideal sitting posture is one that changes continually, thus preventing any single tissue accumulating too much irreversible… Read more »

What You Need for an Ergonomically Correct Workstation

Following on from our sitting posture blog, this blog illustrates simple, inexpensive principles that will help you improve your work station ergonomics and create a safe and comfortable working environment. Work Station Ergonomics: What is it? Millions of people work with computers every day, especially here in the heart of the city and many of… Read more »

Rounded Shoulders: Causes & Treatment to Correct

What are Rounded (Protracted) Shoulders? Commonly found in conjunction with forward head posture, this type of posture is most noticeable in the more muscle-bound gym goers who over-train the muscles of the chest and forego training the back to remain in balance. This however is an exaggerated version and the more commonly seen is that… Read more »

Neck Posture

Where is Your Head at? An Overview of Neck Posture If you’re reading this, then you’ve hopefully read my previous blog on posture and pelvic positioning so now lets take a look to the lofty heights of our head and shoulder position and how to avoid the dreaded text neck (ominous music plays) – and see if… Read more »

Good Posture Guide: How to Improve Your Sitting Posture

Is there an ideal good posture when sitting? There is no one perfect sitting posture, however, there are a few key principles which we can adhere to to keep our body in top form. When we sit, ideally, we should maintain the natural S-shaped curve of the spine seen from the side (creating a counterbalancing… Read more »

Onsite Posture Assessment

[expand title=” Why have a posture assessment?”] 60% of all work-related illnesses are the result of back, neck or limb problems. Back pain is by far the most common and accounts for 119 million lost days at work. This costs thousands of pounds in private healthcare insurance premiums, which largely involve treating symptoms. Bodymotion’s multi-disciplined… Read more »

How Can I Improve My Posture?

Good spinal posture enables the mechanics of the spine to work more efficiently, thus helping to reduce potential strain from both body weight and movement. Signs of Poor Posture Unfortunately, today’s modern lifestyles, along with the natural forces of gravity, challenge our healthy upright postures, leading to the following signs of a poor posture: Weight… Read more »

Upper Cross Syndrome

UPPER CROSS SYNDROME Upper Cross Syndrome describes a characteristic pattern of muscle imbalances which frequently relates to some office-based sitting postures. As a consequence of these imbalances, patients may actually describe a range of symptoms such as mid back aching and stiffness, neck pain and restricted range of motion and headaches. The characteristic pattern of… Read more »