

A ganglion cyst is a harmless swelling that contains a thick jelly-like material which is thought to arise from either the capsule or tendon sheaths. They are often found  around the wrist and on the fingers and can be felt as a smooth lump under the skin. The cause of ganglions remains unclear.


The main problems arising from ganglions is that they can cause discomfort and restricted mobility at the wrist (or whatever site they are located), however, this is not always the case and often these soft tissue lesions do not cause any symptoms at all.

In the past, a common treatment option was forceful compression of the ganglion and, as such, these lesions were sometimes termed “bible bumps”, whereby sufferers attempted to hit ganglions with bibles in an attempt to make them disappear. Unfortunately, they often grew back.

The need for surgery is based on the degree of discomfort and the effect the lesion has on daily activities, occupation or sport. To complicate matters further, ganglions can fluctuate in size and symptoms and so it is often better to leave these cysts alone unless they are causing persistent discomfort.

(The list of conditions given above and subsequent explanations are intended as a general guide and should not be considered a replacement for a full medical examination. Furthermore, we do not purport to treat all the conditions listed. Should you wish to discuss any of these conditions with our chiropractors, please do not hesitate to phone the clinic on 020 7374 2272 or email


Our team of chiropractors and massage therapists are on hand to answer any questions you may have, so get in touch today via or on +44 (0)20 7374 2272.

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