Chiropractor London: Bodymotion Chiropractic Clinic

If you’re searching for a Chiropractor in London, look no further than Bodymotion. Since 2006, they have been providing care to patients in the city. Chiropractic is a primary healthcare profession specializing in diagnosing, treating, and managing conditions related to joint, ligament, tendon, and nerve problems, especially those related to the spine.

Chiropractic treatment primarily involves safe and gentle spinal manipulation to address stiff joints in the spine or other areas of the body that aren’t moving properly.



Chiropractors in London: Bodymotion

What to Expect at Your First Consultation with Your Chiropractor

What Should I Wear at My First Consultation with My London Chiropractors?

During your first visit, you may be required to wear a gown (for the chiropractor to perform a full examination). Alternatively, please feel free to bring along some shorts/leggings and a t-shirt. On subsequent visits, loose-fitting clothes are recommended.

What Happens at My First Consultation with My Chiropractor?

The first consultation with your chiropractor takes approximately 45-55 minutes. It is during this consultation that information is obtained so that a diagnosis of your complaint can be made.

This can be subdivided into four parts:

Case History: Before your first consultation, you will be asked to fill in an “intake and Consent form” which will be emailed in advance of your session with your chiropractor.  This will allow your chiropractor to be up to date on many aspects of your case history before meeting you.  The intake form will cover all aspects of your injury such as site of discomfort and aggravating/relieving factors. Your previous medical history and any previous pertinent imaging/reports regarding your injury can also be documented before you sit down at the session. Once you are with your chiropractor, they will go over the main relevant points of your case.

Orthopaedic and Neurological Examination: This is an assessment of the positions which aggravate your complaint, including range of movement, palpation, muscle tests and provocative manoeuvres. This will highlight the severity of the complaint and the structures involved and will help your chiropractor to diagnose your injury. A neurological examination includes an assessment of the function of the nerves in the spine or extremities (arms and legs) which will help your chiropractor deduce the area of possible neural involvement.

MRI Scan referral from our London Chiropractors: Imaging in the form of MRI scans or Ultrasound scans may also be used by our City of London chiropractors to gain further information about a patient’s complaint. Where necessary, patients can be referred to Vista Diagnostics or Oryon. Upon completion of the examination, the diagnosis and a plan of management will be explained by your chiropractor. The patient will then be asked to consent to treatment and treatment can then be initiated.

Why Choose Bodymotion Chiropractors?

We are proud of the service we offer at Bodymotion and we encourage patients to view our comprehensive list of reviews. Here are just 10 of the reasons to choose us:

1.  Experienced and Professional London based chiropractors:

Our General Chiropractic Council (GCC) registered chiropractors have an average of 15 years of experience and are trained in a variety of treatment techniques. We have been established for 15 years and receive regular patient referrals from local GPs and consultant spinal surgeons. 

2.  Exceptional Value:

we do not believe in offering upfront payment deals, i.e. 10 sessions for the price of nine, etc. and we do not participate in online voucher website offers. Instead, we offer the best rate we can on each session and rely on patient progress to dictate how many sessions are required. Why pay for 10 when you may only need four sessions? 

3.  Initial Consultation (£99):

No other London chiropractic clinic performs longer initial consultations as standard. This allows our practitioners to take a thorough history and perform an in-depth physical assessment. The findings are then explained along with a diagnosis, prognosis and a treatment plan agreed upon. Treatment is performed in 95% of cases during this session, providing further investigation is not indicated. No delay in receiving treatment and no additional cost added for treatment.

4.  Standard or extended Sessions:

The sessions are tailored to individual patient’s requirements to optimise recovery and reduce the risk of recurrence. Sessions may include a variety of interventions, including joint manipulation/mobilisation, soft tissue work, e.g. deep tissue massage, etc., dry needling posture/ergonomic correction, bespoke home strengthening/stretching exercise protocols and many more.  

5.  Health Insurance Coverage and Hassle-Free Billing:

We offer health insurance coverage with all major healthcare insurers, including BUPA, AXAPPP, WPA, Allianz, AVIVA, Vitality, etc. We bill insurance companies directly, so you don’t have to.

6.  Convenient and Flexible :

We offer extended opening hours for out-of-office appointment times (7.30 am – 7:00 pm Monday to Friday) and are conveniently located in the heart of the City of London (EC2), just off London Wall. We are a few minutes’ walk from Moorgate, Bank, Liverpool St and Barbican Underground stations.

7.  Dedicated Receptionist: 

Phone calls are answered and emails are replied to quickly and efficiently.

8.  Same-Day Appointments:

The clinic diary is optimally organised to allow for new patient appointments to be made available every day. Over 90% of new patients are offered an appointment on the same day they call.

9.  Chiropractor Call-Back-Service:

Should you wish to discuss your individual injury with our GCC-registered London chiropractors before booking an appointment, then we will happily arrange a callback. Email us via or call +44 (0)20 7374 2272

10.  Live Online Booking/Appointment Management System:

Book and reschedule appointments with our London Chiropractors anytime, 365 days a year

Chiropractic Treatment: What does it involve?

In the UK, the profession is regulated by the General Chiropractic Council (GCC) and it is illegal to practice in the UK without being registered with the GCC. At Bodymotion, there are three components to treatment, namely:

1. Manual Therapy

  • Manipulation and mobilisation techniques
  • Flexion-distraction
  • Soft tissue work (massage, trigger-point therapy, Graston Technique, soft tissue release techniques, kinesiotaping, stretching, acupuncture, etc.)
  • Electrotherapy (ultrasound, etc.)
  • Cryotherapy (heat and ice treatments)

 2. Exercise

  • Preventative
  • Rehabilitative and postural
  • Specific sports rehabilitation
  • General

3. Patient Advice

  • Postural correction
  • Diet
  • Lifestyle

At Bodymotion London, we believe that treatment is very much a partnership between you and your chiropractor and therefore, if you are unsure or not happy with a particular treatment technique, please inform your chiropractor who can put you at ease or modify the treatment accordingly.

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