Wrist Sprain


The wrist is the flexible link between the forearm and fingers. It is a complex joint composed of two rows of carpal bones which articulate with the lower end of the ulnar and radius of the forearm.



Tendons travel down from the elbow and forearm and cross over the wrist to insert onto the fingers, hand and thumb. They do not insert on the bones of the wrist and thus stability of the wrist is largely down to the intricate ligamentous support.


The wrist joint is therefore very vulnerable to injury. In the case of falling onto an outstretched hand, the wrist is forced into positions which can tear or stretch the ligamentous support between the carpal bones. This is turn leads to pain, swelling and loss of movement.

As with any ligamentous injury, it is important to ascertain the extent of the injury. With the case of the wrist, the lack of stability will also exert greater stress through the bones of the wrist, thus making them more vulnerable to fracture.

Wrist sprains can be classified according to the severity of the injury as below:

• Grade 1, or mild, sprains: these occur when the ligaments are stretched, but not torn.

• Grade 2, or moderate, sprains: these occur when some of the ligaments are torn. Grade 2 sprains may involve some loss of function.

• Grade 3, or severe, sprains: these occur when the ligament is completely torn. These are significant injuries that may require a surgical opinion.

(The list of conditions given above and subsequent explanations are intended as a general guide and should not be considered a replacement for a full medical examination. Furthermore, we do not purport to treat all the conditions listed. Should you wish to discuss any of these conditions with our chiropractors, please do not hesitate to phone the clinic on 020 7374 2272 or email enquiries@body-motion.co.uk).

Our team of chiropractors and massage therapists are on hand to answer any questions you may have, so get in touch today via enquiries@body-motion.co.uk or on +44 (0)20 7374 2272.

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